Cozy Cool

cozymama1 cozymama2 cozymama3 cozymama4 cozymama5 cozymama6A mom uniform to be sure, but, real talk, leggings and a flow-y shirt are generally all I care to wear these days. The weather in Florida flip-flops from wet + cold to wet + hot. No middle ground. So layers are best on a cool day that may turn into a scorcher. I'm wearing, yet again, the best compression leggings ever from Belly Bandit. I swear I'm working on a post about all things BB, patience grasshopper. My leather jacket is probably my favorite piece in my closet. It's perfect. So glad I made the splurge back in 2013. Do you have a daily uniform!? I wanna know!

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Baby Numero Dos [0-3]


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Oh me, oh my. I had baby. Ah-gain. You'd think that would prepare me in some way for going through this mess again... Nah. That would be too easy. I feel like it's a whole new learning process. You forget the sleepless nights, crying, and being covered in poo and breastmilk. I suppose you have a better handle on certain things like feeding, diaper changing, what products are worth it and what are completely useless. So with baby #2 I've found some new things along with my favorite standbys for surviving the first 3 months.

Swaddles. We love, love, love our Ollie Swaddle, it is completely Houdini proof and you can get it super snug!! The material is lightweight and moisture wicking so you don’t have to worry about overheating. We also keep Aden + Anais muslin swaddles around for when little man wants to have a bit more freedom. They are also perfect burp cloths, blankets, car seat covers, nursing covers, their uses are endless. Plus, the patterns are so flipping cute.

All. The. Swings. This go around the Mamaroo has not worked its magic, but a friends Graco swing and Rock n Play aka poop chair(literally takes a poo ERRYTIME he is in this thing) have proven to be a little more tolerable for the little prince, but not enough that they would be worth the money to purchase. If you can borrow things from friends I highly suggest it, all babes are different end you seriously never ever know what they are gonna like.

Exercise Ball. Forget your rocking chair. I good ole exercise ball does the trick nicely. Seriously. Both oh my boys LOVE being bounced and rocked on my labor ball. Lol.

Wrap + Carrier. Especially for baby number 2. You have to get your hands free sometimes, i.e. Making big kid breakfast, etc. I love a good stretchy wrap (Happy Baby) for me is the best way to carry my tiny nuggets for the first 3ish months. A structured carrier is great for larger babies or once they gain neck control.

Sound Machine. This is an absolute must. Like you must have one. If anything it helps me sleep better and not here every little snort and squeak mister lets out. We moms wake up to a pin dropping once we have kids, so this definitely helps. I also think it helps once they transfer to their crib gives something familiar.

Coffee. Self explanatory.

A walk outside. Don't forget to get out. Even if it's just for the quickest stroll around the block. It's good for your brain. It's good for baby. It's good for toddler. All good.

Amazing Mama friends who just get it. I think the key to not fully losing your mind is having friends you can vent to who understand what you're going through who can remind you it's not forever and this season is so quick in the grand scheme of things. Friends who offer you wine and hold your baby. Friends who pray for you and check in on you.

You're not alone lady. Newborns are tough and they can easily breakdown your spirit. It's okay. Vent it out. It's not all sunshine and unicorns. There are days where you might say shut up more than I love you... #nojudgement Remember the unending grace provided in parenting. You're doing so good mama!

Ooohhh Sexy Cardi Marty

IMG_5492 IMG_5493 IMG_5494 IMG_5495 IMG_5496The weather in Florida is so bipolar I can't even keep it straight. Hence why we've been a sick house for a full week now! #sendhelp But just so you know wearing a thick warm cardigan with sandals is not out of the norm here. I'm rocking my most favorite compression leggings by Belly Bandit. Mother Tucker FOREVER. Also, remember when it was a mortal sin to wear navy and black and brown together... now it's cool, and all on my sweater. This outfit is playground appropriate, but also works for a cute morning coffee date. Wish I was going on a cute morning coffee date, any one want to take me out on a cute morning coffee date!? Tired. No sleep. Sick house. Blerg. Happy Tuesday! [show_shopthepost_widget id="2379939"]

Winter Uniform

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So here's the thing. Layers, they're great... they look awesome... but ain't no-one got time for that. When it comes down to it, I'm wearing easy clothes, outfits that require little thought. Clothes that I can throw off when I need to nurse or get a hormone hot flash. Yes, those happen. This jean and bootie combo has been a favorite of mine lately, see last weeks ootd post. I wear my trusty Felicity Nursing Tanks from Target under every damn thing. The tanks aren't online right now, but I've still seen them in the stores. They are 25.99 and rock my world. Buy. TONS. This is the outfit I've pretty much been living in when leaving the house, my sweater probably needs a wash, but I just keep spraying it with Tubby Todd Mama Spray in the hopes that no one will be able to tell it's been days since I last bathed... Cheers to that!!!

Happy Taco Tuesday/Valentines Day!! Talk to me about your mama uniform in the colder months!? I wanna know!

Hey Big Spender

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 It’s been nearly a decade since I graduated from college. I’m getting old. I worked throughout my college experience and sometimes I’m literally shocked and appalled that I had almost ZERO money saved. None. I spent a lot of money traveling and on rent, but literally wasted gobs of money on disposable clothes, disposable housewares, and things I simply didn’t need. Don't be like me. Travel, spend the money you need to live, and save some dough because after college there are some big kid purchases that will not only be useful at the time, but will be awesome years and years to come. So get prepared, I'm getting ready to drop my old lady wisdom on you.

Quality Mattress. So I bought a mattress right after high school from the brother of a coworker who “sold mattresses.” They were from Jersey, I’m not saying it was stolen, but I’m not not saying it was stolen. Regardless, it was a strange interaction and it was a terrible mattress which I continued to use for nearly a decade. We spend an unbelievable amount of time in our beds... Don’t buy a mattress that “fell off of a truck.” Buy something that’s going to give you quality sleep. And just wait until you’re pregnant one day in the not so near future, your back is going to be begging for a nice mattress. I wish that instead of cheap clothes and a cheap mattress I would’ve saved and purchased a Casper mattress, such a cool company and their mattresses receive reviews. Lusting.

Mac Desktop. I had a super basic desktop that crashed 4 years after buying it. I lost years of pictures. I had never heard of an external hard drive at that point. #fail I wish so so so hard that I had purchased a Mac, I guarantee you I wouldn’t have had that problem. I’m obsessed with ours now, but still get sad when I think about all the photos and memories that were lost.

Nice Dishes. Now this might sound silly, but mind you I worked at Bed, Bath, and Beyond aka TripleB throughout my college career and one thing I did purchase that has literally stayed with me for years is quality white dishes. I don’t have a single piece of clothing I owned in college, but I still have these puppies 13 years later. Like, we still eat my dinner off of these plates and bowls. They’ve been through 9 moves and 5 states and are still going strong. Money well spent.

A Good Knife. Life is too short to cook with crap knives. A good knife can last you for decades! It encourages you to cook and eat-in, instead of wasting money on eating every dinner out! I love Global Knives, my Hollow Ground Santuko is simply amazing. Take a 20% off coupon to TripleB and get ya a damn good knife, or just go on Amazon. I heart Amazon.

Good Luggage. I got a piece of quality luggage from my parents and it has been amazing. 10 years and going strong. I suggest getting a good carry-on sized roller. I am OBSESSED with the products from new company Away. Their suitcases are beautiful [the white is amaze-balls], lightweight, and TSA approved. Oh and did I mention the built-in battery to charge any USB device!?!? This thing is amazing. Definitely not a purchase you would regret, unlike all of those trendy clothes from Forever21.

So, do we see a theme!?! Stop buying cheap clothes and save for cool grown up things that will last you for years to come!!