Sale! Sale! Sale!!!

madewellSo my favorite chain retail shop is having a pretty rad sale and I suggest you head over to Madewell and check it out! I'm stocking up on post baby goods!!! Here's what I purchased and what I'm lusting after... tankI am a sucker for loose tanks. They are perfect for nursing and reviews state this tank is super soft, so when you really just want to be naked, a loose soft tank you can easily pop a boob out of is #WINNING. shirtAnother love of mine. Large, baggy button ups!!! I am a huge fan of Madewell's button up shirts. This one is thin and soft via reviews, so I'm sold!!! I can wear a Felicity Slimming Nursing tank under this and boom. Breastfeeding adorableness. skirtThis skirt is my wild card purchase. I ordered up to a medium because reviewers claimed it to be a little suction-y, but I was a big fan of anything that sucked in my belly after having Rocco, so for a morning at the market with my new tank I think this is so super cute. I'll keep you posted on how it fits in 3ish months. pantsI didn't purchase these joggers, but I am tempted to make a trip back to the site... Soft, comfy, and chambray. The reviews are glowing and they also come in an Olive green. My kryptonite. F1631_DM1352Okay, these are NOT on sale, but OMG I am lusting after these overalls like WHOA!!!! Definitely never thought I be saying that, these would be a breeze to nurse in paired with a baggy tank or a nursing tank and they are so stinking cute... I believe these will be a post-baby gift to myself!!! shirt2Another one not on sale, but I am full on IN LOVE with this top. It will be mine. Okay, so what'd ya buy!?!?! I must know! I live for shopping... and other things... Oh, shut up.

Leather Leggings 3 Ways

DSC_0772-(ZF-6193-92140-1-027)DSC_0769-(ZF-6193-92140-1-026) DSC_0773-(ZF-6193-92140-1-028)DSC_0783-(ZF-6193-92140-1-033) DSC_0781-(ZF-6193-92140-1-032) DSC_0786-(ZF-6193-92140-1-035)DSC_0777-(ZF-6193-92140-1-030) DSC_0779-(ZF-6193-92140-1-031)Photos via Kelsey Erin | Worn in all 3 looks [tee] Heather by Bordeaux, similar here [leggings] Plush [sneakers] DV by Dolce Vita, similar here <only 25 bucks! [cardigan] target < on sale for 12 dollars!! [booties] Sam Edelman <comfiest booties I own! [poncho] Toms for Target [oxfords] Cole Haan [Fair Isle Sweater] JCrew, similar here <on cray sale!!

So this was meant to be posted yesterday, but the little Mister decided to have lotsa gas or a growth spurt or who the heck knows… So I sit here on my birthday tippity-typing away. I'm so tired and feeling crazy, well, old. So this post is kinda perfect for my mood. I feel like in my early 20's I would've never even thought to rock leather pants, but as a woman of advanced age I think they are the absolute perfect throw on and go piece. Easy Peasy. These faux leather materials are so comfortable and can easily go from chasing around a toddler to date night! They are no different than the plain jane leggings you already rock, they are just more of a statement! And what a killer statement indeed! The key is keeping your look super simple. Don't overwhelm yourself with accessories and trying to look like a bad ass. Wear them exactly how you would skinny jeans or leggings. They pair amazingly well with tunics, long billowy tees, comfy sweaters, etc. I think the key ingredient to making these leggings work is confidence. Seriously. I know it can be hard, especially after having a baby, so much is going on in your head and your body… trust me I get it, but sometimes you have to fake it until you make it! Even on the days where you can barely throw your hair up into a messy ponytail, see above^^ photos as proof, you can still feel good and cool and confident in your clothes! Did this post make any sense!? It's unclear... Time for a birthday nap.

If you are in the market for some faux-leather leggings I honestly think that these Plush are the best way to go, but here are a few others for your viewing pleasure.

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The Art of the Baggy Tee

DSC_0761-(ZF-6193-92140-1-024) DSC_0765-(ZF-6193-92140-1-023) DSC_0764-(ZF-6193-92140-1-022)DSC_0759 - Version 2-(ZF-6193-92140-1-019) DSC_0759-(ZF-6193-92140-1-020)Yes, my protege is epic!!DSC_0754 - Version 2-(ZF-6193-92140-1-021)Photos by Kelsey Erin | [jacket] Lululemon [Tee] Banana Republic [denim] Paige Premium [booties] Cole Haan

So I know when I see baggy tee you think sloppy and unkempt, but no no, there is a fine art to wearing a t-shirt and not looking like a slob. It's an art that I have mastered and now that I am super uncomfortable with my mid-section I have learned to use this look to my advantage. Like always, I rock my favorite Felicity slimming nursing tank because I will take all the "slimming" action I can get and bonus, because these tees are so loose they can easily lift up for you to nurse! MAGIC!!! Okay, the secret to wearing baggy t-shirts is not rocket science... Are you ready!? The secret is always pairing it with a slim bottom. Skinny jeans, leggings, a fitted pair of boot cut like these, or slim yoga pants. Boom. That's it. Microphone dropped. I also lean towards shirts that are on the longer side, nothing too boxy. When you are feeling frumpy "short" and "stubby" aren't words that we want to evoke with our wardrobe. We want to take ever opportunity to elongate ourselves, especially when we aren't feeling so hot about our tummies. Think long and loose, it should hit right bellow the widest part of your hips. Also, this length can help cover up another post-baby phenomenon, 'dem hips yo!! I've always had a big booty, but LAWD have mercyyyy. If you are wearing leggings it is of the utmost importance that you cover 98% of your ass with your tee. We can see the underside of the cheeks, but anymore than that and you risk giving away the whole shebang and let's keep something to the imagination. Oh, and for the love of God don't wear nude, taupe, or any flesh tone leggings... ya look like ya ain't wearin' pants. Okay, so stayed tuned for more dressing your post baby body, next week talk about the dreaded muffin top and getting back into your skinny jeans... or not...

Wanna shop some tees, here are a few of my current favorites!!

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Hat Hair

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I love this dress because it's super loose and the button top makes for easy access to the girls, gotta love easy access. I wear my favorite Felicity nursing tank underneath!!! I think shirt-dresses are the perfect post-baby one stop shop, they are comfortable and loose, but not unflattering. And bonus: You instantly look like you tried. This would also be great paired with opaque black tights with simple black booties. Booties are chic and fabulous while also being super easy to wear. So throw on a pair with just about any outfit and you'll look instantly pulled together. Then there's the hat. I am lucky if I can fix my hair one time in the span of a week, so I play by blowout rules. I wash/fix my hair, wear it down for 2-3 days, then rock a top knot for 2-3 days, then by the last day it's a hat or bust. This beaut was 10 bucks from Forever21. It's MASSIVE, but as I've said before... a really bad hair day calls for a really giant hat!!

Like this look!? Here are some more shirt-dresses that I think would work well for nursing and camouflaging post-baby bump!

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