Blissful Happenings Studio

Blissful Happenings - Shoot 3 - 020Blissful Happenings- Styling closet - 09Blissful Happenings- Styling closet - 18Blissful Happenings- Styling closet - 05Blissful Happenings- Styling closet - 20photos via Kelsey Erin Photography

I'm so pumped to be working on expanding our little blog! I've been developing my styling business for the past few years, but we are giving it a major facelift!! Blissful Happenings Studio is a labor of love and I've been working hard to really create a brand that I can be proud of! BHS is all about helping the everyday woman find their inner blissful goddess!! I wrote a blog all about my style philosophy and this is really those ideals in action! Every closet cleanse is not only about streamlining your closet, but about finding outfits hidden inside your own wardrobe! We will work on developing your personal style and focus on what pieces you need to best suit your life. Over the next few months, we will be working on a legit styling site and I will definitely keep you updated with the progress!!! Hooray!!!